Adem's Dev Journey

A Beginner's Guide to MutationObserver in JavaScript

19 Feb 2023 | 3 mins read


MutationObserver is a powerful feature in modern web development that allows developers to monitor changes in the DOM and execute custom logic in response. In this post, we’ll explore what MutationObserver is, how it works, and some practical use cases for this feature in JavaScript.

What is MutationObserver?

MutationObserver is an API in JavaScript that allows you to observe changes to the DOM (Document Object Model) and execute custom logic in response. Essentially, it lets you listen for changes to specific elements on a webpage and perform actions based on those changes.

How does MutationObserver work?

MutationObserver works by creating an observer object that watches a specific element or set of elements in the DOM. You can define a callback function that gets triggered whenever a mutation occurs. The callback function receives a list of mutation records, which contain information about the changes that have occurred. You can then use this information to perform custom logic in response to the changes.

Practical use cases for MutationObserver

There are a number of practical use cases for MutationObserver in JavaScript. Here are a few examples:

  • Client-side Image Optimization: You can use MutationObserver to detect when an image is added to the DOM and then apply client-side image optimization techniques to improve the performance of your website.

  • Lazy Loading: You can use MutationObserver to detect when an element is added to the DOM and then apply lazy loading techniques to improve the performance of your website.

  • Form Validation: You can use MutationObserver to detect when a form is submitted and then validate the form data before sending it to the server.

  • Responding to an attribute change: You can use MutationObserver to detect when an attribute of an element is changed and then perform custom logic in response to the change.

Example: Detecting when an image is added to the DOM

In this example, we’ll use MutationObserver to detect when an image is added to the DOM and then apply client-side image optimization techniques to improve the performance of our website.

First, we’ll create an observer object that watches the body element in the DOM. We’ll define a callback function that gets triggered whenever a mutation occurs. The callback function receives a list of mutation records, which contain information about the changes that have occurred. We’ll then use this information to perform custom logic in response to the changes.

const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
  mutations.forEach((mutation) => {
    if (mutation.type === "childList") {
      mutation.addedNodes.forEach((node) => {
        if (node.tagName === "IMG") {
          // Apply client-side image optimization techniques

observer.observe(document.body, {
  childList: true,
  subtree: true,

You can read more about MutationObserver in the MDN Web Docs.

Real world uses for MutationObserver: Click here


MutationObserver is a powerful feature in modern web development that allows you to monitor changes in the DOM and execute custom logic in response. It’s a versatile API that can be used for a wide range of practical use cases in JavaScript. Whether you’re implementing infinite scrolling, real-time data updates, form validation, or tracking user behavior, MutationObserver can help you build a better, more responsive web application. So give it a try and see how it can benefit your next web development project!